Slaithwaite Moonraking Festival of Light 2025:
40th Birthday Celebrations and Slawit SHOP!

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Join in with Slawit’s magical candlelit community lantern festival!
Celebrate 40 years of Moonraking with an illuminated parade and a brand-new community re-enactment of the Moonraking legend of smugglers, the canal and the moon.
This year’s lantern theme, Slawit SHOP! launches a year-long community heritage project with The Watershed, Green Valley Grocers, and The National Lottery Heritage Fund to celebrate 100 years of Carr Lane’s central shops. The lantern parade will kick off creative projects exploring memories of a century of local shopping.
The Moonraking re-enactment moves to Carr Lane this year, with a new performance space on the closed road. The circular procession will follow the canal and climb Bank Gate, offering stunning views over the village.

The Moonraking Legend
The story for those who haven’t yet heard – as retold by Susanna Meese Festival Chair and storyteller…
“Legend has it that once upon a time, a bunch of locals were shipping illicit booze along the canal when they were spotted by the local militia. Not wanting to get in trouble with the authorities the smugglers threw their barrels of liquor over the barge, into the water. Splash!
Under the cover of darkness, they returned to retrieve the barrels but were caught red-handed once more. “Now then, what’s thee up to?” called the guard. The cheeky chappies feigned stupidity and pointed to the reflection of the crescent moon in the water, “She’s fallen in!” they cried, “And we’re raking out the moon, to save her,” they flailed and twirled their rakes. Splash!
Clearly a bunch of numpties, the militia left them to it. And we continue to rake the moon to this day.”
Volunteer and Join the Team!
Urgently needed – workshop helpers, stewards, event riggers, performers, dancers, costumed characters, and moon carriers.
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